Thursday, 21 September 2017

Robot Rampage

In are class we has been learning about narrative writing. We used a story starter the link is below. I hope you enjoy my writing about a mad robot.

Here is my story

In the weekend there was one thing Brighid absolutely hated. Her brother Fionn bossing her around. She wished she could just lock herself up in the shed working on her latest robot invention. That was it! What if Brighid could build a robot to stop Fionn from bossing her around!
Fionn and Brighid’s parents were teachers and spent their whole weekends  marking work and attending meetings.  Fionn loved taking advantage of this so he called it ‘Fionn incharge time’ and he bossed Brighid around for hours on end.  If Brighid could build a robot to stop Fionn from bossing her around, then she could finally get some time to play without having to do Fionn's laundry.
Brighid was building in the shed all night then suddenly
“presenting the no boss robot din din di din,” she exclaimed with delight she was finally done. My brother was as bossy as a horse, but finally she was a free women!
Brighid wheeled the robot upstairs and stopped outside Fionn’s room she was about to knock on the door when a voice said “Brighid is that you” Brighid went back in shock “Fionn” she said nervously. “Now”,Fionn said,“scrub the dishes I want to see my reflection in them, you also need to mow the lawns, do the laundry,clean the house and make the beds. “Okay is that everything”?  She said as she left  the room. “O Brighid”he said  I want chicken for dinner. Brighid was about to walk out of the room when she remembered something “no”she said  “wwhhaatt” said Fionn “may I remind you that while mum and dad are at work I am incharge so you do what I say, so go and do you chores”. Beeb beeb beeb eek eek  beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb      eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek  I am the NO BOSS ROBOT and you shall not boss around your favorite sister or you shall die! He said holding up a chainsaw and smiling an evil mimingo ngā pāpāringa(smile).Fionn quivered back in fear “oookkaayyyyy” he quivered. “Got to stop people from bossing people”,said the keretao (robot) disappearing at the speed of light. So Brighid and Fionn decided to watch some tv. The news channel flashed on  “people all over the world are dying just because they are telling people what to do,god help me”said the news man running off stage. “In other news the world's population of anzac poppies are dropping like flies”said the news woman enthusiastically. “Okay”,said Brighid, “there's only one thing to do now” “yes” said Fionn “hide”they said together running to the supply closet.
From inside they heard the keretao(robot)trudging up the stairs “now my task is to destroy Fionn”,said the keretao(robot)“need more anzac poppiezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”  “nows our chance”,said Fionn  “lets do it”, said Brighid,  smash, bang, clatter and then they were done. The robot was destroyed and Brighid and Fionn just carried on arguing.    


  1. I LOVE this story Brighid! The ending is one of my favourite parts, where the children really do love arguing. The parents sound a bit rubbish - just as well there are school holidays coming up where your teacher parents can take you away on adventures. You are using quite a big range of punctuation now - I'm impressed. Thanks for sharing this story on your blog.

    1. Hi mum, thank you for the nice comment. The bit where you said the teacher parents will take the kids on adventures made me think of a sequel. Do you think I should write about it?

    2. Yes! I'd love to read the sequel. Will the robot reappear in Dunedin?

  2. Wow!!! Awesome story - love your dialogue!

    1. Hi Meg, thank you for reading my work

  3. Brighid, this is fabulous!! What amazing vocabulary!! :-))

    Ms L

    1. Hi Louise, thank you for reading my work.

  4. Great story Brighid. It also kept my attention the whole time and I wanted to know how it was going to end

    1. Hi Susan, thank you for reading my work.

  5. Hi Brighid,
    I loved your story. The list of chores! Oh my goodness just as well you had a plan there. I really liked the ending, and I think it leads into a great sequel.


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.