Friday, 1 March 2019

my self poem

I am from a tree hut
From homemade muesli and sand
I am from the house across the road were everything thing is warm and familiar
I am from the crack willow tree from the dance floor the cabbage tree
I am from the sounds of chookes
And the stormy waves
From my unmade bed
I’m from dads tortellini and his mild currys
I’m from Brighid and thomes
I’m from reading and walking
Dance and chess
I’m “from get up” and “clean your room”
From the pages of throne of glass
And twinkle twinkle little star
I am from chess and chess tournaments
I am from biking around greymouth
I’m from my living room and newzealnd
From pizza and pasta
I’m from my nana pam
How though a water mellan out the car window
I’m from gallagher wine glass.